Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Transition to Adulthood: Guidelines for Individuals with ASD

This is from Ohio, so it may not be identical for your state, but the concepts are on target no matter where you live. It's written like an official document including narrative most parents raising a teenager or young adult already know, HOWEVER is you can get past what you know there's important information for all of us and it's a great tool to share with folks "who don't know". That said, I thought it was worth the share and spreading around J

A great supplement to the Preparing Individuals for Employment Module: Transition to Adulthood Guidelines for Individuals with ASD web-based booklets.  The current OCALI Transition to Adulthood Guidelines for Individuals with ASD has been revised and formatted into a series of free web–based booklets. Each booklet focuses on one aspect of the transition from school to adult life. Four booklets are now available on the OCALI website:

·      IEP Components of the Transition Process
·      Considerations for School Programming
·      Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment
·      Employment

Each booklet offers information about the subject area, implications for individuals with ASD, examples, and resources. Many direct links to more in-depth information are available in each booklet. While these guidelines discuss issues surrounding ASD and transition, much of the information is appropriate for any transition-age youth served through the IEP process. 

Transition to Adulthood Guidelines

"Transition to adulthood" is a complex and ongoing process that starts as soon as a child is born and continues as the child becomes an adolescent,  to early adult life and then through the stages of adulthood.  While this process is complicated at best for any person, the individual with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) faces unique challenges that require specialized considerations. This set of guides will help the user understand these challenges and raise awareness of these important considerations
A critical time for transition planning is in the early years of middle school through the first few years following graduation from high school. This time period is the focal point of the Transition to Adulthood guides and will assist the individual with ASD and his or her team in reviewing the issues of adulthood related to employment, postsecondary education and adult living during these years. Implications for the individual with ASD to consider are highlighted throughout. Identification of  resources and many active links to important information are provided. Use this set of guides as a reference and resource and to help frame a way to think about the issues related to adulthood.


Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment

In this volume, Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment, the user will take a close look at the intention of Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment (AATA) and the implications to students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Accurate and meaningful AATA is critical to the development of a plan that both fits the student’s interests and strengths and meets the student’s needs. 
Application of this process for students with ASD requires special consideration. The goal of this guide is to assist the team in understanding these issues and to provide assistance with the development of an AATA plan. The resulting plan should provide useful, accurate and individualized information that leads to critical skill development for the future based on the student’s preferences interests, needs and strengths. 

TG cover employment


In this volume, Employment, the user will focus on the post school outcome of employment. The guide begins with a  focus on planning and preparing the individual with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) for employment during the transition years. As the user moves through the volume, the focus comes to include information and considerations for those seeking employment or for those currently employed. Implications for the individual with ASD are highlighted as well as resources for improving career development and employment support. The goal of this volume is to help the user understand  the issues surrounding  successful employment for the individual with ASD and to highlight the supports and resources  that lead to and assist in maintaining meaningful employment. 

TG IEP Cover

IEP Transition Components

In this volume, IEP Transition Components, the user will be introduced to the legislation that supports transition planning for the individual with a disability, as well as the legislation that provides for ongoing services for adults with disabilities. Each step of the IEP transition planning process will be explored to allow users to review their own documents and plans. The goal of this volume is to assist in creating a process that results in a meaningful  IEP document for the youth with ASD that will serve as a guide for the team in the future. 
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School-Age Programming

In this volume, School Age Programming to Prepare for Transition to Adulthood, the user will take a close look at important elements  of educational programming for transition-age youth and the implications for students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). While academic achievement is a required area of focus of an educational program, other areas of skill development that must be considered as well in order for students to achieve a successful adult life. For students with ASD, this includes issues such as social competency and life skills development. 
The goal of this guide is to assist the team to understand these issues, to offer strategies and to suggest additional resources that can  enhance the development of a secondary education program that prepares the student for a successful adult life. 

You can click on this link to get more 

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