Saturday, December 19, 2009

Autism Society of America Free Downloads

When Nicky was diagnosed with autism, I typed AUTISM into my browser and this is what I found. "A permanent developmental disability that requires life long care and has no cure." Things are better now. So much so that I can pass on amazing resources like this on to you.

Living With Autism Building Our: Educating Students on the Autism Spectrum (For Teachers)
This 12 page publication provides information about working with students on the autism spectrum. Educators and school administrators provide the best educational services and supports when they become familiar with the learning styles of students with ASD and with the various educational approaches designed to meet their unique needs.

Next Steps: A Guide For Families New To Autism
This 8 page document is geared toward families who have just had a child diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. It provides a general understanding of the autism spectrum, an overview of the various treatment options, and brief information about education, services and supports that are helpful to children and adults on the autism spectrum.

Growing Up Together(For School-Aged Peers)
This 4-page, large-type booklet is targeted to elementary-aged school children. It uses simple language to talk about what autism is and how to become friends with someone on the autism spectrum.

Growing Up Together Teens with Autism (For Middle School-Aged Peers) This 4-page, booklet is written for teenagers. It uses basic language to talk about what autism is and how to be friends with someone on the autism spectrum.

Supporting Appropriate Behavior in Students with Asperger's
Challenging behaviors are frequently the primary obstacle in supporting students with Asperger’s. Effective behavioral support requires highly individualized practices that address primary areas of difficulty and strength. This article provides 10 steps that help schools work toward achieving the best outcomes for students with ASD.

Preparing to Experience College Living
Going away to college can be a daunting experience for students on the autism spectrum, as supports from family, friends and school may no longer exist. New college students face academic demands while learning to take care of themselves, managing finances, meeting new people, etc. This article describes supports available on college campuses, such as tutoring and supervised study halls, and gives suggestions on fostering social interaction. The article also provides a number of things to keep in mind when considering postsecondary options.

Puberty and Children on the Autism Spectrum
All children go through puberty; the brain does not tell the body to stop growing if the boy's/girl’s developmental level is younger than their age. This article provides information and ideas that parents can use to help their son or daughter with the physical changes that come with puberty.

Siblings Perspectives: Guidelines for Parents
When a child in the family has a disability, it affects each member of that family. Living with a brother or sister on the autism spectrum adds significant and unique experiences to the sibling relationship. This article is written for parents but provides important information and practical suggestions to help support siblings, strengthen families and minimize stressors.

Establishing Positive Sleep Patterns for Children on the Autism Spectrum

Persistent sleep disturbances can have adverse effects on the individual with ASD, parents, other household members, and daily activities and expectations. Children on the autism spectrum appear to experience sleep disturbances more frequently and intensely than typically developing children. This article examines factors that can contribute to poor sleep and provides advice to address environmental variables, bedtime routines, and sleep training methods.

Transition: Preparing for a Lifetime
The dramatic change from the secure world of school to the uncertainty of adulthood can be stressful and challenging. Unfortunately, despite years of mandated transition planning and a continued interest in preparing students for real life, many students with ASD leave school unprepared for employment, independence and maintaining social relationships. This article assists those involved in the education of students with ASD to provide effective transition planning.

Transition Across Grade Levels
Transition is a natural part of all educational programs. Students are expected to adjust to changes in teachers, classmates, schedules, buildings, and routines. This article provides suggestions for facilitating a smooth transition so that students with ASD can more easily make the shift from one grade to the next with careful planning and preparation.

Transition to Middle School
Transition from elementary to middle school is stressful for any student. Many things will be different. The school will probably be larger and the enrollment may be several times greater than in elementary school. The student will not know new teachers and might change classes not only every period, but also might only have certain classes for a semester, for a quarter, or on alternate days. There will be greater demands for independence and more complex social demands. But, there may also be new opportunities that were not available at the elementary school level. This article provides a process that others have found useful for developing a successful plan.

Moving from Preschool to Kindergarten: Planning for a Successful Transition and New Relationships
Leaving pre-school to enter a more formal educational system represents a major transition for every parent and their child. The environment will be new, the challenges will be different, and new relationships will need to be formed. While parents of children with ASD may initially approach this time with trepidation, this transition really represents a time of new opportunity for learning and the development of new friendships and relationships. Suggestions are provided to parents to insure a more successful and less stressful transition.

Serving Victims of Crime

The Autism Society Addresses Needs of Crime Victims with Autism - As part of its Crime Victims with Autism Assistance, Education, and Training Program, a project funded by the Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime, the Autism Society has created a series of fact sheets and brochures to assist crime victim assistance professionals, families, and individuals with autism. A 2007 Autism Society survey of individuals with autism and their families revealed that 35% of individuals with autism have been the victim of a crime and the Autism Society is taking steps to help communities and professionals provide crime victim assistance. These much-needed materials are the first of a series of publications designed to improve services to crime victims with autism. Watch for the project’s training curriculum which will be available in the coming months!

If You Are A Victim Of Crime
This article explains the legal rights of an individual with autism who is the victim of a crime. Assistance is available through the Victim Assistance Program. Victims with disabilities are entitled to receive accommodations in order to understand his/her rights. Attempts can also be made to find providers who are familiar with autism so the victim’s needs may best be met.

Autism Information for Advocates, Attorneys, and Judges
Individuals with disabilities, including autism, are victims of crime at rates higher than those without disabilities. In spite of this fact, these crimes are often not prosecuted and if they are, the conviction rate is very low. This article seeks to educate prosecuting attorneys, judges and victims’ rights professionals about the characteristics of autism that might affect the judicial process. The article offers detailed advice on how professionals should approach a victim with autism and how to prepare him or her for a court room setting.

Autism Information for Child Abuse Counselors
Research indicates that children on the autism spectrum experience abuse and neglect at rates higher than their nondisabled peers. This article sets forth the risk factors inherent in children with autism, such as behavioral challenges which often frustrate parents and other caregivers. The authors provide a number of strategies for child abuse counselors to use when working with children on the spectrum, such as shortening interview times and conducting it in a quiet place with minimal visual stimuli.

Autism Information for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Counselors
Research shows that individuals with cognitive impairments are at the highest risk of experiencing sexual assault or abuse. This article provides information on the characteristics of autism and advice to domestic violence and sexual assault professionals on how to effectively work with victims who are on the autism spectrum. The authors also provide guidance for managers of counseling agencies to insure that such cases are handled correctly.

Information for Law Enforcement and First Responders
There are many situations in which individuals on the autism spectrum will encounter police officers and other first responders, particularly due to wandering or eloping. If first responders recognize the signs of autism and know effective ways of interacting with individuals on the spectrum, the risks to all involved are greatly reduced. This article describes the characteristics of ASD and gives detailed information to improve exchanges with first responders.

Autism Information for Paramedics and Emergency Room Staff
Emergency medical professionals are likely to encounter individuals on the autism spectrum for a variety of reasons, including search and rescue operations or suspected abuse. Particularly in an emergency situation, where utmost speed is generally required, professionals need to be aware of the unique needs of persons on the spectrum. This article provides detailed information on the characteristics of autism, such as sensory issues, that could greatly impact emergency room treatment.

Autism Information for Social Workers and Counselors
Social workers and counselors may encounter or be asked to provide services to an individual with autism spectrum disorder who has been the victim of a crime. This article seeks to provide these professionals with a greater understanding the communication, social, and behavioral characteristics of autism so they are well equipped to help them in supporting victims of crime who are on the autism spectrum.

If Your Loved One Is A Victim Of Crime
This article explains the rights of crime victims and the assistance that is available to victims, such as the Victim Assistance Program. The authors point out that an individual with autism is legally entitled under the ADA to receive accommodations in order to understand his/her rights, and that attempts can be made to try to find providers who are familiar with autism. The article urges family members to work with local victim assistance organizations to further their understanding of autism spectrum disorders.

Informational Brochures

The Puzzle of Autism
The Puzzle of Autism is an informational guide for educators who work with students on the autism spectrum. The guide explains the characteristics of autism and suggests effective classroom strategies for improving the communication, sensory, social and behavioral skills of students with autism. The Puzzle of Autism was published by the National Education Association, in collaboration with the Autism Society of America, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, and the National Association of School Psychologists.

Autism Society
position paper:
The National Crisis in Adult Services for Individuals with Autism:
A Call to Action

What Is Autism?
The Autism Society’s introductory brochure provides basic information about the autism spectrum, including the critical early signs, as well as background on the Autism Society and its mission. A membership/donation form is also included.

¿Qué es Autismo?
El folleto de la Sociedad de Autismo le brinda información básica sobre el espectro del autismo, incluyendo las muestras tempranas críticas, así como la misión de la Sociedad de Autismo. Se incluye información de como ser miembro o donante.


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