Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Journey Continues

Nicky has always had a gift for spotting wonderful people
with big hearts and he took to his cousin Clyde right away
We never know where life will take us, or when. Today God took back a good one, Clyde Woods. 

I've known him for 6 years and it was immediately clear to me Clyde was a special man. An educator dedicated to making this world a better place. By example he recently returned from a trip to Haiti where he sought to bring attention to their ongoing challenges. In his last days, he was still thinking about the Haitian people, their polluted water and wondering how their lives will be improved.  

Maybe in his new position as an Angel he'll get to chance to improve the water.  

                                                                                       You will be missed. Rest is peace Clyde. 

A little about Clyde: Professor Woods earned his PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from UCLA and has taught at Pennsylvania State University and the University of Maryland His research focuses on the regional organization of poverty, power, race, and culture in the United States. His first book, Development Arrested examined these relationships in the rural Mississippi Delta and his upcoming study will address the role these social forces played in the construction of Black Los Angeles, from 1781 to the present. Another research area focuses on the philosophical and analytic contributions of Blues, Jazz, and Hip Hop. As part of this work, he recently co-edited Black Geographies and the Politics of Place with Katherine McKittrick. Finally, Professor Woods has initiated two long-term-research projects based in the Department. The first examines and supports the rebuilding efforts in New Orleans. The second project is designed to create a network of community members and scholars who are both studying Black Los Angeles and developing innovative policy solutions.

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