Saturday, July 11, 2015

Depak Meditation and Autism - We are all connected...even those so many think can't connect.

An amazing moment. I was seated watching Depak as I joined in on todays Global Meditation on compassion. Nick walked in and said "It's Dr. Depak Chopra!"  I looked at the screen to see if his name was visable, and it was not.  I've never talked to Nick about Depak, so I asked "How do you know Depak?"  He said " PBS So Cal Dr. Chopra".

OMG.... Nick went through a period of turning on PBS when he went to bed at night. I knew that his amazing brain was just recording the information, recording it and saving it, and it would all be shared at some time.

Today was one of those times! It was incredible! Nick sat with me and did the meditation and the mantra. I don't have the words to express how special this moment was.

Thank you Depak :)
Thank you PBS So Cal

We are all connected...even those so many think can't connect.
