Thursday, November 6, 2008

Every "Body" has a place - This Is Inspiring!

The spirit of the human soul is greater than our bodies. You have to see this and know that we are all here for a reason. Lean on this young man's strength and his ability to find an amazing gift where seemingly none existed!

I believe in my heart that everything happens for a reason. No matter how bad it seems in the moment I always believe it will all be okay. I know adversity is the part of life that gives birth to opportunity. It's a easy belief when things are going my way and it's pretty easy to hold on to this belief during life's smaller challenges. I've learned over time that as the challenges get larger, it gets harder to believe. When I am faced with really difficult challenges, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I get there. When faced the challenges where I see no light and I just can't imagine the reason and I can't imagine the good and my expectations are so shattered that I can't see past my disappointment, anger and pain, I can lose my faith that all things happen for a reason and it will be okay.

The grief I felt when my Nicky was diagnosed was one of those dark times for me, but I learned in time that everything was okay and I know that he is here for a reason. Maybe he's here to make me a better person, or to drive me to help others. He's an angel, he embodies a joy and directness that eludes most people, maybe he's here to remind people they too have this pure joy inside. He attends our local elementary school and is fully included in a regular ed. classroom. Because he can do things that many of his "typical" classmates cannot, like complicated puzzles and reading before they did, or not being afraid of the tallest roller coaster at Magic Mountain, they have embraced him. So in his young life he has changed his classmates perceptions about disabilities. Because of him they think more in terms of "different abilities".

Thank God for the Nick's in the world who show us how to live and find our special gift no matter the circumstances. Thank you Nicky Jones and thank you Nick!.

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