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The Best Financial Move You Made for Your Special Needs
Published: October 5, 2012
If you
have a close family member who is disabled, what advice would you offer to
others who are just starting the financial planning process?
With each passing election season, the conversations about the cost of government-provided health care and Social Security get more urgent. But debates about the deserving and the undeserving and the proper level of budgets
and taxes tend to gloss over the issue of disabled people — many of whom must
hope that the programs they rely on are not cut, because they have no way to
make up the difference.
were 5.5 million nonelderly adults with disabilities whose health care was
covered by Medicaid in 2009, according to a Henry J. Kaiser
Family Foundation estimateusing
the most recent numbers available. And an estimated6.9 million nonelderly disabled
people receive Social Security payments under the Supplemental
SecurityIncome program, according to federal government figures.
For every
one of those people, many of whom draw from multiple sources of government aid,
there are often several family members helping to sort out the financial
details of that relative’s care. They navigate a confounding thicket of tasks
and rules. On one side, there is the bureaucracy that government program
administrators may erect at any moment. On the other, there are specialized
trust accounts and estate
planning issues to consider. Even sophisticated investors and
ace budgeters find themselves lost when encountering all of this for the first
There are
few well-marked road maps for these people, as there are for those trying to invest their 401(k) money orrefinance a mortgage.
But there are a growing number offinancial
advisers and other professionals who themselves have special
needs children or siblings. Because they’ve been there, they know the practical
steps that most families need to take.
follows is a primer from those practitioners on the basics that families should
consider when helping someone with special needs.
YOU FIRST When Michael C. Walther II talks to
families for the first time in his
work as a financial planner in Deerfield, Ill., he often
parrots the standard flight attendant announcement at the beginning of a trip:
Put your oxygen mask on first before worrying about the family member next to
Walther, who has a brother with Asperger’s syndrome who lives with their
parents, said he sometimes saw parents who had spent hundreds of thousands of
dollars on therapies for their child and arrived in his office with no retirement savings at
the age of 50. “That’s a loving thing,” he said. “But now you have another
problem. There is nothing for you. That special needs kid is dependent on you
guys, and now you can’t support yourself.”
THE TEAM Once you know what challenges family members face — and it
can sometimes take years to understand what limitations they have and what kind
of financial support they will need — it’s probably wise to resist the urge to
hunker down and sort it all out yourself.
“Life is
totally rearranged,” said Mary Anne Ehlert, a financial planner in
Lincolnshire, Ill. Her late sister had cerebral palsy, and Ms. Ehlert also runs a
service called Protected
Tomorrows that advises families on the life planning tasks
beyond the financial issues.
She hopes
to one day have a large team of affiliated financial planners around the
country who are experts on serving special needs families. In the meantime,
there are networks of lawyers, including the Academy of
Special Needs Planners and the Special
Needs Alliance, with directories of members who can help with some
of the tasks.
Your best
source of advice and referrals to local experts may well be your fellow
travelers, so be sure to seek out other families with relatives in similar
situations to yours to see who has helped them with their planning.
THE TRUST One of the first tasks that many proactive
families tackle is to set up aspecial
needs trust, which holds assets that can help pay for a disabled
person’s care and expenses without disqualifying them from certain government
benefits that are means-tested.
families feel an urgency to do this for estate planning purposes, since they
can direct proceeds of a life
insurance policy to the trust. They may leave the trust empty
until that point.
start filling it from Day 1, as they would a college savings plan, because they
worry about the future of government benefits given the amount of government
debt. “We’re in a hole, and I don’t know how long it will take to climb back
out of the hole,” said Matt
Syverson, a financial planner in Overland Park, Kan., whose 5-year
old daughter hasDown syndrome. “I don’t know if the benefits
will be there or not. It would be nice if they were. I just can’t count on it.”
THE ESTATE PLAN Any trust account may
involve other people who can act as administrators, so you’ll need to have
frank conversations with them about what it would mean to be responsible for
your family member’s care or money, or both.
will want to help in any number of ways, but their help may be
Ruttenberg, who helps clients with life insurance and other
financial planning at Firstrust Financial Resources in Philadelphia, faced this
situation when his late father left $10,000 to his grandson Seth, who is
brain-injured and receives government benefits that help pay for his expenses
in the group home where he lives.
Ruttenberg spent many months going back and forth with various government
agencies before someone was able to help him keep the inheritance from
disqualifying his son from continued government assistance. “A dead person
can’t unwind a mistake,” he said. “Part of doing planning is letting family
members know what is going on.”
If you
have family members with special needs, your estate plan needs a care plan,
too. “We call it ‘Sean’s Care Guide,’ ” Mr. Walther said of the plan for
his brother. “It can include foods. Caloric intake. That he likes to watch
golf. Is the light on or off at bedtime? Here are their best friends and how to
reach them. These are the kids that pick on him. Here are the medications, and
here are the doctors who have not been successful in interacting with someone
or don’t want to. This kind of stuff won’t be anywhere else, and you have to
update it every now and then.”
THE BENEFITS A fair bit of the financial planning for
adults with special needs tends to revolve around qualifying for and then
preserving government benefits. But some families with reasonably
high-functioning family members may not want to tap those benefits, or even
make sure they are eligible.
Walther counts his parents in this camp, since they came of age at a time when
Medicaid was for poor people. “They felt that we shouldn’t take that money out
of other people’s pockets,” he said. One drawback, however, is that many
government programs, like art classes or outreach services, may be available
only to people who are eligible for Medicaid.
Ruttenberg has no such qualms about the fact that Medicaid covers his son,
Seth. He likened the theoretical possibility of having to pay out of pocket for
the expenses that the government covers to paying college tuition each year for
the rest of his life. “Eventually, it would bankrupt me,” he said.
James M.
Hayes, a lawyer in Binghamton, N.Y., who specializes in estate and other
planning for people with special needs and has a developmentally disabled adult
son, put it more bluntly.
never felt like I was taking advantage of anything,” he said. “It’s my adult
son. I’ve never really felt that people who have adult children like my son
should have a burden that other people don’t have.”
Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!
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