Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Avoiding the News; How many more people have to die before we wake up?

Sorry I've been so quiet on this end. I've been trying to avoid the news - which is almost impossible when I go online. Stories of murdered children are too much for me to handle, so I choose to limit the media's access to my mind and heart.  Truth be told - beyond my prayers to every family - I only have one thing to say, and no amount of news stories or horrific coverage will change my perspective.  This tragedy is directly tied to U.S. policies on gun control and our ignorance when it comes to dealing with mental health. Both are inextricably connected, which is not reflected in our shortsighted policies. How many more people have to die before we wake up? When will what's good for the our society as a whole, for the many over ride the desires of the few? 

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