Choice' -- As Long as Your Child Doesn't Have a Disability
Legal Researcher and Writer
asking someone to "speak up please" while cupping your right back ear
and leaning forward slightly to hear imperceptible words uttered. Again, you
ask, "Can you please speak up." The teacher, with pursed lips, looks
at you and then says in an annoyed loud voice "the lesson plan today will
be to discuss the first chapter of the readings." Giggles fill the room. http://i0.huffpost.com/gen/1760351/thumbs/n-TEACHER-EVALUATION-large570.jpg
Slightly embarrassed you look down and tell
yourself never to ask these questions again. It is better to not know what is
said to save yourself the condescension and humiliation of being different.
You, with a tightened chest and heavy face, tell yourself it is better to live
with your disability in silence, where only you can hear it.
The above experience is not merely fiction. It
is widespread in schools that accept voucher students, students whose parents
transfer their children from lower-performing public schools to
higher-performing private, often parochial schools. Low-income parents are able
to transfer their children from failing public schools to private schools with
state, sometimes federal money. In other words, low-income parents choose the
school their children will attend. This is known as "School Choice."
However, disabled students are not always
given true choice. No choice exists if private schools refuse disabled
students' needed services, and this is precisely what has happened in many places.
In fact, the American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) filed a lawsuit against Wisconsin and several schools in Milwaukee for
violations of the American Disability Acts (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act
(RHA) § 504.
What is ADA?: ADA is a
federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by public
entities. It protects the disabled from discrimination on the basis of their
disability in services, programs, or activities of all state and local
governments. It extends to certain federally assisted programs, and all state
and local governments, including those that do not receive federal financial
What is RHA?: The RHA
is another federal law that requires any institution that receives federal
funds for any purpose not to discriminate, exclude, or deny benefits to the
disabled because of handicaps. This requirement extends to private and public
schools alike that receive federal funds.
ACLU's Lawsuit: ACLU and
the parents of several children brought a lawsuit against Wisconsin and several
private schools because they failed to offer services to their disabled
children. These parents sent their children to those schools with private
school vouchers serving low-income parents. ACLU has filed this suit because
these schools have accepted federal money but denied disabled students
appropriate services; private schools that accept federal funds are required to
provide disabled students certain appropriate services by law.
The Complaint:
According to the ACLU complaint, only a meager 1.6 percent of disabled students
attended voucher schools, while there are an estimated twenty percent of
disabled students in Wisconsin. This disparity between disabled students
attending private schools with a voucher and disabled students attending public
schools is exacerbated when the quality of services offered to disabled
students is examined. Not only are the proper services not provided, private
schools openly state the same level of services, if any, will not be offered at
the schools. This statement is further amplified by the schools' own actions.
The Stories of 3 Disabled
B.J., is an eighth grader who qualifies for
disability services. She has Oppositional Defiance Disorder and a mood disorder
and was enrolled in special education at public school, but her parent
transferred B.J. from public school to a church-run private school. So, during
2010-2011, B.J. attended the private school, Concordia University School
(Concordia), where her tuition was paid for by a voucher.
The ACLU complaint alleges that Concordia knew
of B.J.'s disorders but did not provide any accommodations to her. Without
providing any accommodations for B.J.'s disabilities, Concordia placed B.J. on
a "behavioral" contract. Soon after placing her on this contract, the
school expelled B.J., alleging she broke the contract. Consequently, B.J. had
to return to the public school she left. Federal law requires schools not to
discipline students for actions that arise from their disability.
S.E. is a four-year old child who is
developmentally delayed and receives special education at public school. S.E.'s
mother applied for S.E. to attend Messmer Catholic Preparatory School
(Messmer). Messmer told S.E.'s mother no placements tests were required.
However, the complaint alleges that after
Messmer was informed of the developmental delay, Messmer required placement
tests and screenings. Messmer later told S.E.'s mother she should "give
some serious thought to whether or not Messmer would be the right place for S.E.
because it would not be able to give him what Milwaukee Public School was
giving him." The school urged that S.E. be released from his special
education Individual Special Education Plan. The mother refused to release S.E.
from the Individual Special Education Plan; a screening process was conducted,
however. When the lawsuit was filed, S.E. had not been admitted to Messmer.
S.E.'s mother also has another disabled child:
K.S., an eight-year-old with Attention Deficient Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).
After K.S.'s application was complete, according to the complaint, Messmer
conditioned K.S.'s school acceptance on taking medication for ADHD. K.S.,
however, was neither on medicine nor enrolled in special education at public
school. S.E. did not think her child needed medicine. Nevertheless, Messmer
refused to admit K.S. if he did not take ADHD medicine. Messmer informed the
mother that if her developmentally delayed child "had academic problems,
they did not want to be blamed." When asking whether her eight-year-old
was on ADHD medicine, the school emphasized that "Messmer had a fast-paced
academic program."
North Carolina
above-mentioned individuals are the parties who filed the complaint against
Wisconsin for violation of federal disability law. Wisconsin is not the only
state where taxpayer dollars outrightly support discrimination. North Carolina
is another. North Carolina implemented a similar voucher program where most of
the vouchers are for religious, private schools. As of February 2014,
Greensboro Islamic Academy (GIA), a private, religious school, was sought after
by voucher applicants. Not all applicants receiving state vouchers are treated
equally at GIA. The unfortunate parent who fills out a GIA application for her
disabled child will be taken aback when she reaches the
"RESTRICTIONS" section of the application and reads:
"Children with emotional and severe
learning disabilities may not be accepted at GIA, as necessary program are not
available to meet the needs of these children... After accepting a child, if it
is determined that he/she has emotional or behavioral problems, and/or severe
learning disabilities, etc. the child may be asked to leave..."
in February 21, 2014, Superior Court Judge Robert Hobgood ordered North Carolina to suspend its school
voucher system. Dick Komer, a lawyer representing the parents, plans to appeal
the decision. Will this victory be short-lived? How many other states will
allow discrimination through their school choice voucher program?
Many states have indeed found school choice
vouchers to be unconstitutional mainly because most states' constitution
prohibit educational funds from being spent on anything other than public
education. In other words, most state constitutions prohibit money being given
to parents to choose a private, nonpublic school for their child to attend.
This would violate the state constitution, but what about federal law? What
about the disabled? What about their legal claims? Why are states missing this
poignantly obvious, legally meritorious argument of disabled children? Who will
fight for them? They cannot fight for themselves.
Luckily, the DOJ keeps fighting for our
disabled children. The DOJ sent Wisconsin's Department of Public Instruction a
letter demanding the agency enforce Title II of the Americans with Disability
Act. Wisconsin's School Choice Program is still being investigated by the DOJ
for violations of federal law. The investigation is expected to be complete by
the end of 2014. Maybe the states will catch on before then.
Shayna A.
Pitre has an undergraduate degree in philosophy and is currently pursuing a
Juris Doctorate at Southern University Law Center. Growing up with a hearing
impaired brother has made her a strong advocate for disabled children. "Fight for Those Who Can't"
is devoted to advocating for not only the rights of the disabled, but the
rights of all children -- the rights of those who can't fight for themselves.
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