Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Drastic Cuts to California State Budget Will Significantly Impact People with Disabilities - Take Action May 15th

Webinar: Drastic Cuts to California State Budget Will Significantly Impact People with Disabilities
Friday, May 15, 2020
3 - 5 pm PT
use this link
On Thursday, May 14, Governor Gavin Newsom will release his revised state budget, which will include the anticipated significant drop in tax revenue and the proposed cuts in order to balance the budget. It is expected that every part of the budget will be dramatically affected, including funding for services for people with disabilities, IHSS, education, and mental health support. The legislature will be considering the budget over the next few weeks and will finalize it by early June - an extremely rushed process. These cuts come at a time when our community is one of the most vulnerable to the coronavirus pandemic and the effects of the shutdown. This webinar will cover the details of the budget cuts and the important advocacy work we must quickly assemble in order to limit their negative impact.

Presenters include:
  • Representative from the Department of Developmental Services (invited)
  • Catherine Blakemore, Recently-retired Executive Director, Disability Rights California and Member, Governor's Task Force on Business and Jobs Recovery
  • Aaron Carruthers, Executive Director, State Council on Developmental Disabilities
  • Mark Melanson, Co-Chair, The Path Forward Collaborative, and Executive Director, California Supported Living Network
  • Alison Morantz, Director, Stanford Intellectual/Developmental Disability Law and Policy Project
  • Moderated by Judy Mark, President, Disability Voices United
  • More speakers may be announced
The webinar will be recorded.
Se grabará el webinar.

This webinar will be conducted via Zoom.

Here is how you can participate:
  1. By computer using video: click on this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85165729671. Note: if you have never used Zoom before on your computer, you should go in beforehand to download the app at zoom.us
  2. By cell phone or tablet with video: You must download app, see link below. At time of call, go into app and click on "Join." Type in the Webinar ID - 851 6572 9671
  3. By cell phone with voice only: just tap here: +16699006833,,85165729671# 
  4. By landline phone: 1-669-900-6833. Enter ID: 851 6572 9671

This webinar will have simultaneous translation in Spanish through a conference call line. Be aware: this webinar will have several English-language visual presentations. You will not be able to see them if you only call in. You will also not be able to access Zoom's question and answer function. We are working on an alternative for people who call in to ask questions.

For simultaneous Spanish interpretation:
Call 515-604-9835 and enter the access code 245384#.

Este webinar se realizará por el sistema de conferencia por internet Zoom.

Estas son las maneras en las que puede participar:
  1. Por computadora usando video: haga clic en este enlace: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85165729671. Nota: si nunca ha usado Zoom en su computadora, debe descargar antes la app de zoom.us
  2. Por teléfono celular o tableta con video: Debe descargar una aplicación, vea el enlace a continuación. A la hora de la llamada, vaya a la aplicación, y haga clic en "Join" (Entrar a una reunión). Escriba el ID de reunión: 851 6572 9671
  3. Por teléfono celular en inglés solo con servicio de voz (sin video), haga clic aquí: 1+16699006833,,85165729671# 
  4. Por línea telefónica fija (inglés): 1-669-900-6833. Ingrese el ID: 851 6572 9671

Se ofrecerá interpretación simultánea al español a través de una línea de teleconferencia aparte (todos los participantes estarán en modo silencioso y solo es para escuchar la traducción al español). Debe tener en cuenta: este webinar tendrá muchas presentaciones visuales en inglés. No podrá verlas si solo llama por teléfono. Tampoco podrá hacer preguntas a través de Zoom. Estamos buscando una solución para que las personas que solo participen por teléfono puedan hacer preguntas.

Para escuchar la interpretación simultánea al español:
Llame al 515-604-9835 e ingrese el código de acceso 245384#.
To share on social media, use this link.
Online Focus Groups on Supported Decision-Making

Grupos focales virtuales para la toma de decisiones con apoyo
Are you…
  • The parent of a child with a developmental disability aged 12 or older who is not conserved?
  • Interested in sharing your views about your child’s future in a confidential discussion group that will help us develop educational materials?
  • Interested in receiving a $25 Target e-gift card for 2 hours of your time?

If you answered "yes" to all of the above, you may be eligible to participate in a Supported Decision-Making Virtual Focus Group, sponsored by Disability Voices United.

  • ¿Es padre/madre de un hijo(a) entre los 12 y 21 años con una discapacidad del desarrollo para quien no ha obtenido su tutela legal?
  • ¿Le interesa compartir sus opiniones sobre el futuro de su hijo(a) en un grupo de discusión confidencial que nos ayudará a desarrollar materiales educativos?
  • Le interesa recibir una tarjeta de regalo electrónica de $25 de Target por 2 horas de su tiempo?

Si responde "sí" a todo lo anterior, es posible que sea elegible para un grupo focal virtual sobre la toma de decisiones con apoyo patrocinado por Disability Voices United.
Resource website on coronavirus

Sitio web con recursos sobre coronavirus
If you need more information about coronavirus and its impact on people with disabilities, visit our website.
Si necesita más información sobre coronavirus y su impacto en las personas con discapacidades, visite nuestro sitio web.

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